A (former) gar(b)age band from Spokane, Washington, USA

This is the page for pictures of Fish Printer. There aren't many right now, but each picture will be accompanied with a caption below it with context. We will likely take more pictures soon.
You can right-click on the pictures and click "Open Image in New Tab" to view images in full resolution.

Sidenote: Sorry that this page isn't well-optimized for mobile. (It's designed for 4:3 monitors) You'll just have to scroll around to view all of the pictures.


The logo for Fish Printer.

The text logo for Fish Printer.

The text logo for Fish Printer.

The mascot for Fish Printer.

All photos taken with a Sony Mavica FD-88, so far.

Guitar previously used by Fish Printer, a Squier Bullet.

Bass guitar used by Fish Printer, a Squier Fender Precision Bass.

The headstock of the previously mentioned Squier Fender Precision Bass.

Some broken drumsticks.

Album Covers
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Sorry, none yet! Check back soon!
Sorry, none yet! Check back soon!

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Copyright 2024 by Fish Printer
Page Last Updated: March 2nd